Top 5 reasons why quartz is still the best countertop to use

 1. Durability

You can’t beat that you can’t stain it. Yes, there is a surface layer that is, in fact, porous but it’s not going to penetrate through the stone, unlike granite or marble. If you get anything acidic on your quartz and you can wipe it off. Even if you happen to get sharpie ink on your counter (I’ve done this many times before) with my busy schedule as a mom of two kids and running a staging and furniture business, you can get it off easily with ACETONE. You can buy acetone at any hardware store, such as Home Depot or Canadian Tire, or you can also use some nail polish remover first to see if that will come off.


2. Colours

nowadays you can find a lot of colours in quartz whereas before, the colours seems to be fairly limited. You’ll find hundreds of colours and brands from Caesarstone, Silestone, LG, HanStone, Firstone, Cambria, Vicostone, Dekton (s different but very nice colours and pricey) and the list goes on. You’ll have to do your own research on each brand, but generally, they are made the same way. Marketing does play a huge part as well as each unique set of colours.


3. Asides

From the low maintenance, they also have a very modern look - most of the quartz counters are shown in showhomes, renovations, and new builds. They are very modern and don’t tend to have that over-the-top look and feel.


4. Consistency of colours and slabs.

All quartz or granite or marble is produced in dialots. They are a bundle of 10,20,30, to 50 slabs, maybe more. Each dialot is exactly the same and almost has little to no variation between each slab. When you have granite or marble, your dialots are smaller, and it’s very hard to get the same over time. Therefore, if you want to try to match anything in the future, quartz is definitely the way to go. Just select their top 10 standard colours that they will always be carrying.


5. Low maintenance

You don’t have to seal it like granite or marble. I, however, do seal mine every year (which is extremely easy to do LINK to show you how) because remember there is still that porous layer on top (which is when you say “I thought it doesn’t stain!”) that might cause it to look stained. I also like to make sure no water marks are visible when I’m cleaning/ cooking/and drinking.



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